- Kandiyohi County Economic Development – KCED Willmar, Minnesota
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- Joint Operations Board Prior Years Minutes
- Joint Powers Board Prior Years Minutes
- Ag Committee Prior Years Minutes
- Broadband and Advanced Technology Committee Prior Years Minutes
- BRE/R Committee Prior Years Minutes
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee Prior Year’s Minutes
- Finance Committee Prior Years Minutes
- Available Sites
- Developer and Site Selector
- Spicer
- New London
- New London Township
- Norway Lake Township
- Pennock
- Prinsburg
- Regal
- Roseland Township
- Roseville Township
- Mamre Township
- St. Johns Township
- Sunburg
- Whitefield Township
- Willmar
- Willmar Township
- Raymond
- Lake Andrew Township
- Lake Lillian Township
- Gennessee Township
- Atwater
- Blomkest
- Burbank Township
- Colfax Township
- Dovre Township
- East Lake Lillian Township
- Edwards Township
- Fahlun Township
- Arctander Township
- Green Lake Township
- Harrison Township
- Holland Township
- Irving Township
- Kandiyohi City
- Kandiyohi Township
- Lake Lillian
- Lake Elizabeth Township
Success Stories
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | Full Article
- Willmar designates additional American Rescue Plan Act funds
- Willmar area agencies offer videos, assistance to apply for frontline worker pay
- DEED Awards $4 Million in Contamination Cleanup Grants
- Kandiyohi County Economic Development Executive Director Search – Finalists and Interviews
- Construction underway for Happy Halal in Willmar, Minnesota
- KCED Joint Operations Board welcomes new members, elects officers
- Joint Powers Board appoints interim executive director of Kandiyohi County Economic Development
- Simply Shrimp to get $50,000 loan for $6 million expansion project in Blomkest, Minnesota
- Kandiyohi County Economic Development Executive Director Search – Finalists and Interviews
- Prairie Woods opens its venture into nature-based education for preschoolers
- New construction and business helped grow Willmar, Minnesota, economy in 2024
- County awarded for innovative monarch conservation efforts
- Twenty entrepreneurs graduate from Kandiyohi County Elevate program
- Kandiyohi fire engine No. 2 donated to start-up fire department in Mexico
- Kandiyohi County Economic Development celebrates new office location
- Governor Walz Announces $52 Million to Expand Broadband to nearly 8,000 Minnesota Homes and Businesses
- Introducing Patrick O’Rourke
- The Making of a Manufacturer: The MAP Program of Willmar High School
- A Manufacturing Marvel: Minnesota Shrimp & Simply Shrimp
- New News at KCED
- Willmar company gets million dollar grant to build goat processing plant
- KCED approves hiring of new Executive Director
- KCED Summer 2024 Newsletter: Leading Ladies: Women Shaping Ag-Related Business
- Patrick O’Rourke to be offered Kandiyohi County Economic Development position
- KCED reveals finalists for executive director position
- Kandiyohi County / Willmar EDC offices to relocate this fall
- Minnesota awards $500,000 grant to expand child care in Kandiyohi County
- Woody’s Trucking of Willmar named Women-Owned Small Business of the Year
- Women in Ag Elevated at Kandi Acres
- On a Wing and a Prayer: Clean Chickens and Co., LLC. launches Happy Halal
- Community Integration Center in Willmar, Minnesota, awarded $420,000 workforce grant
- NexYst 360 brings ‘smart’ shipping for ag products to Willmar Rail Park
- Grant could bring nature-themed preschool, daycare pods to Kandiyohi County
- Food cooperative to open grocery store Friday in New London, Minnesota
- Governor Walz Announces $53 Million to Expand Broadband to 8,900 Minnesota Homes and Businesses
- Willmar City Council to consider approval of sale of park land for senior housing
- A Splash Pad Story of Community Construction from Atwater
- What’s Going Up: Q&A with Spicer
- What’s Going Up: Q&A with New London
- Nailing Down the Status of Local Lumber and Construction
- Marotzke hired by Kandiyohi County Economic Development
- EDC focus on child care helps alleviate the child care crisis
- Housing shortage continues to be a problem in Kandiyohi County
- Two new turkey businesses to open in newly created hatchery in Willmar, Minnesota
- 2023 Year in Review: A look back on the top stories from the City of Willmar
- Expansion of Elevate entrepreneurship course in Kandiyohi County supported by $200,000 grant
- Swedburg resigns from development role with Kandiyohi County/Willmar EDC
- 41 Grantees Announced to Support Small Business Success across Minnesota
- A Message from the Executive Director
- A Sisterhood of Support
- New Year, New Look
- Coalition of Greater MN Cities holds fall conference in Willmar
- Willmar Municipal Utilities investing in generation and transmission
- Willmar Burger King now owned by man who grew up in community
- ‘Hot Topics’ forum centers on significant Willmar area housing challenges
- Young entrepreneur opens boba shop in downtown Willmar
- Willmar Wye project wins regional transportation award
- Two new ramps finished in Highway 23 project on southwest edge of Willmar, Minnesota
- City of Willmar deal with National Guard could move more quickly than expected
- Pathway to Prosperity: 2023 Fall Newsletter | Following Fernando Cano into the Future
- Pathway to Prosperity: Fall 2023 Newsletter | The Hanson Silo Story
- Pathway to Prosperity: Fall 2023 Newsletter | Journey to Pen House Boba
- MB Rail closes on Purchase of land for Willmar Rail Park
- New Family Promise shelter in Willmar provides home and stability to families
- Proposed Minnesota Highway 23 interchange in New London granted $33 million in state funding
- Kandiyohi County Board agrees to contribute to nonprofit that is bring computer literacy classes to Willmar
- Willmar OKs memorandum of understanding for potential property swap with Minnesota Army National Guard
- Kandiyohi County continues to be successful in acquiring funding for the expansion of broadband services
- Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Announce $67 Million in State Grants to Expand Broadband Access
- Kandiyohi County awarded millions for highway-rail grade separation project south of Willmar
- City OKs $38,000 payment toward BNSF Railway certification of 335 acres in Willmar Industrial Park
- Purchase agreement signed for rail park
- Willmar Planning Commission approves $1.16M purchase agreement to develop rail park
- Housing trust fund to be created in Kandiyohi County
- ACGC senior Hunter Dahline continues to expand his chicken hatchery business
- Halal-certified goat processing facility coming to Willmar
- Willmar listed as a 2022 top micropolitan community by Site Selection magazine
- Construction likely to begin this summer on apartment complex along Lakeland Drive Northeast in Willmar
- Spring 2023 Newsletter: Prairie PROducers for Hemp Fiber
- Spring 2023 Newsletter: Industrial Hemp for Consumer Products: CDB, CBG, THC from Hemponix
- Spring Newsletter 2023: Industrial Hemp for Hempcrete from the Lower Sioux Indian Community
- Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce announces Community Leadership Award recipients
- Housing study shows need for various types of properties across Kandiyohi County
- A new housing report predicts the need for an additional 1,580 housing units in Willmar by 2030
- Willmar mayor gives state of the city address
- A new housing report predicts the need for an additional 1,580 housing units in Willmar by 2030
- City of Willmar awarded $200,000 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant
- Kandiyohi County planning to extend broadband to three more townships
- Kandiyohi County encourages residents with inadequate broadband to apply for Minnesota line extension program
- Sarah Swedburg of Kandiyohi County and Willmar EDC earns title of Emerging Young Professional of the Year
- Announcing DEED’s One Minnesota Budget Priorities
- Ag Jobs staffing service fills a gap in the workforce while providing jobs for immigrants in the Willmar area
- An Economic Development Year in Review
- Economic development director touts construction growth of $88 million in Willmar so far in 2022
- Kandiyohi County awarded $4.9M state broadband grant to help fund project in five townships
- Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar EDC awarded $200,000 grant to help ease local child care crisis
- Kandiyohi County elected officials and leaders air grievances over broadband issues
- Hemponix retail store opens Friday in Willmar
- Nexyst moving forward on $40 million agricultural distribution project in Willmar Industrial Park
- You can now apply for Minnesota Broadband Line Extension Funding
- Crews demolish former Pizza Hut building in Willmar to make way for Slim Chickens restaurant coming in 2023
- Vaxxinova US, formerly Epitopix, plans $10 million to $20 million investment for expansion in Willmar
- Kandiyohi County Board supports a new Highway 23 project near Willmar
- Kandiyohi County to update Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
- Ag and Renewable Energy Committee acts as promoter for agriculture in Kandiyohi County
- Kandi Acres farm raises its hundreds of goats by following the tenets of halal
- ‘Big ideas’ come from Willmar Mayor’s Housing Task Force
- Woodland Centers increases access to mental health services
- Ribbon-cutting celebrates completion of nearly $50 million Willmar Wye rail bypass project
- TDS begins broadband expansion project in New London, several other central Minnesota cities
- Kandiyohi County Board salutes county manufacturers with proclamation
- Planning of southeast Willmar tiny home development moves forward with project out for bids
- How year-round crops could reduce farm pollution in the Mississippi River
- MnDOT lists four options for Hwy. 23/9 intersection
- To plug worker shortage, Willmar hires teachers from abroad
- “Having access can open doors”: An article written for the Fall 2022 Newsletter
- What it takes to be an Innovative Employer: An article written for our Fall 2022 Newsletter
- Kandiyohi County to see major state road work over the next 10 years
- Kandiyohi County Commissioners sign letters of support for three broadband grant applications
- Willmar City Council supports grant application for highway improvements to facilitate a $40 million project
- MnDOT holds Hwy. 23 open house in New London
- A new look is coming to downtown Willmar
- Elevate Business Academy celebrates nine new graduates in Kandiyohi County area
- TJ Maxx coming to Willmar’s First Street South business corridor
- Saving our state flower — the Showy Lady’s Slippers
- New First Street Subway could be open by Friday in Willmar; Papa Murphy’s recently opened in its new location
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | THE SUPPORTER
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | THE TABLE
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | THE SUPPLIER
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | THE TRANSPORTER
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | THE TRAINER & EDUCATOR
- Summer 2022 Newsletter Article: Following a Product Path | THE PRODUCT
- Lund Boats bringing light manufacturing facility to Willmar
- Students encouraged to be curious about their diverse neighbors during tour of downtown Willmar
- Emporia Suits and Alterations off to great start during prom season
- Port of Duluth celebrates historic shipment
- Kandiyohi County continues to create spending plan for American Rescue Plan funds
- Kandiyohi County, Charter Communications partner on $800,000 broadband project to serve 170 homes, businesses
- Housing is a hot topic for Willmar, and the job of a new mayor’s task force
- Dirt is moving along Highway 23 gaps project, a moment of celebration for supporters
- Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, U.S. senators visit Kandiyohi County to meet with those responding to avian flu
- Unemployment Insurance and Frontline Worker Bill Passed by Minnesota Legislature Signed into Law by Governor Tim Walz
- Willmar City Council approves contamination cleanup grant application for Block 25 Lofts project
- Willmar City Council gives Nexyst 360 early access to 137 acres of Industrial Park land
- Kandiyohi and Meeker counties join together to bring broadband to residents
- Workforce summit held in Willmar to help businesses recruit and retain
- FedEx behind massive logistics facility being constructed in Willmar Industrial Park
- Kandiyohi County Commissioners and state legislators agree on importance of broadband
- Kandiyohi County continues to wage war against aquatic invasive species
- Ridgewater offering no-cost nursing classes to address shortage
- Kandiyohi County gives money for broadband
- A new class of future Kandiyohi County business leaders graduates from Elevate Business Academy
- Downtown Willmar streetscape project to be redesigned to meet grant fund parameters
- Willmar School Board adopts tax levy and passes, for now, on proposal to develop turf field near Willmar Civic Center
- MinnWest Technology Campus in Willmar requesting tax abatement for three additional buildings to be renovated
- Jennie-O Turkey Store’s Benson Avenue plant in Willmar to close
- MnDOT pauses safety project on Highways 23 and 9 in New London after public concerns
- Arvig moving forward with broadband project in Prinsburg, Minnesota, funded partially by coronavirus relief funds
- Kandiyohi County approves 2022 tax levy with a 1.5 percent increase
- Willmar Recreation and Event Center is starting to take shape
- Minnesota voters staying on top at the polls
- Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission awarded State grant
- City of Prinsburg takes next step for broadband project
- Economic developer finds region is fertile grounds for diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs, for lots of good reasons
- Elevate program founded to support diverse businesses, entrepreneurs
- Bethesda opens New London location just in time to celebrate 125 years in operation
- Willmar Poultry to purchase additional land from city for expansion project
- A vision of four lanes from one corner of the state to the other
- Lucky Duck lands in the city on the pond
- Nova-Tech’s Shrimp Works equipment poised to revolutionize shrimp processing business
- Shrimp is a jumbo business in west central Minnesota
- U.S. Sen. Tina Smith visits Willmar to talk broadband
- Logistics project still a go as Willmar City Council makes changes to agreements
- Minnesota House bonding committee hears pitches for Willmar area projects
- Extension of Kandiyohi County local option sales tax for roads is on the table
- “Going green” New London lettuce farm branches into hemp industry
- EDC co-sponsors West Central Minnesota Area Job Fair
- New London Township broadband projects receive American Rescue Plan funds from Kandiyohi County
- Tidal Wave Auto Spa to be constructed in Willmar
- High-speed broadband on its way to Prinsburg, with help from Kandiyohi County
- Willmar apartment projects move forward while concerns rise regarding single-family home options
- Plan for logistics project in Willmar gets green light from Planning Commission
- New Subway restaurant to replace 1st Street location
- Willmar Industrial Park land sale for new logistics facility continues toward approval
- Land sale for major logistics project in Willmar moves to City Council
- On the hunt for more broadband funding
- Understanding the future of farming after COVID is theme of Partners in Ag Innovation conference July 29 in Willmar
- Willmar Wye road construction is done, next step is rail
- Prinsburg’s quest to bring Broadband home continues
- Willmar welcomes Leslie Valiant as new city administrator
- Suite Liv’n agrees to property maintenance agreement with Willmar in exchange for tax increment financing
- Willmar Planning Commission approves conditional use permit for Block 25 Lofts downtown
- Kandiyohi County successful in obtaining state grant for improvements at Big Kandi East
- ‘Elevate’ has its first graduates
- Breaking ground on Willmar’s future
- ‘Taste of Downtown’ brings the community together in Willmar Fests’ Block Party 2021
- Broadband project gets a lift from the Kandiyohi County Board
- Willmar sells downtown Block 25 parking lot
- A welcoming Willmar
- Willmar Planning Commission approves land sale that could make Block 25 location for new apartment complex
- Downtown Hotel?
- County looks to stimulus bill for broadband infrastructure
- Major Developments/Distribution center, housing projects possible in Willmar
- Kandiyohi County and city of Willmar Economic Development Commission hires Willmar city planner for business development post
- Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission hints at major developments that could be on the way to Willmar
- EDC celebrates 30 years of membership
- County gets up to speed on broadband
- Mill Pond Mercantile building in New London gets new owner, new purpose and new name
- Willmar Housing
- Latest round of COVID-19 financial relief for businesses helps 66 Kandiyohi County establishments
- Kandiyohi County to offer funds to townships expanding broadband reach
- County distributes $314,000, more than half of business relief
- Local EDC aid helps businesses
- County doles out COVID relief
- County continues to push for border-to-border high speed Internet
- Another opportunity for relief available to Kandiyohi County businesses and nonprofits
- County to dole out new round of pandemic relief for struggling businesses
- Renaissance Zone could bring about a rebirth of downtown Willmar
- Dial-back restrictions updated/County to receive $830,000 in state aid
- County breaks down how it spent $5.3M in CARES funds
- County provides funding for local businesses forced into closure
- Restaurants face uncertain times with recent COVID-19 restrictions
- EDC tallies $3.3M in local business relief grants
- Willmar, Kandiyohi County continue to give relief to local businesses and nonprofits impacted by COVID-19
- Willmar celebrates five-year effort to build healthy community
- Snow slows downs U.S. Highway 12 completion in Willmar
- Jennie-O float planned for Macy’s Thanksgiving parade this year
- Take your internet speed for a test drive
- Willmar City Council open to exploring Willmar 10’s city hall proposal
- Highway 23 gap projects moving forward
- ‘Gaps,’ intersection safety among issues emerging in freight study
- State bonding bill includes funding for youth facilities in Willmar
- Expanded Business Criteria for Additional $500,000 in CARES Act Relief Funds for EDC CARES Pandemic Relief Grant Program
- Impact 2020
- Willmar creates a Renaissance Zone
- Partnerships Result in Poultry Certification Courses
- Efforts to secure REAL broadband continue
- Supporting our businesses during the pandemic
- More than $2 million in COVID-19 relief awarded to businesses and nonprofits in Kandiyohi County
- Willmar Poultry Group celebrates 75 years
- Willmar Wye Highway 12 bridge work moving forward
- New Head Start program facility opens in Willmar
- Pandemic relief grants are actively helping Kandiyohi County businesses
- Willmar company could be game-changer in digital manufacturing
- Willmar OKs $1 million in federal funds for local pandemic relief program
- Willmar could be sending $1 million to EDC for CPR
- New home of Ziegler CAT opens in Willmar
- EDC provides CPR to small businesses and nonprofits hurt by pandemic shutdown
- Ziegler CAT opens new facility in Willmar
- Uptown Willmar hopes to convey a positive vibe at what used to be Kandi Mall
- Ridgewater College and agriculture education partners receive $584,000 grant to train ag technicians
- Willmar Wye road construction reaches milestone
- EDC on board to take lead on CARES Act business relief
- Kandiyohi County Board throws support behind locally grown shrimp
- Simply Shrimp seeks state funds for expansion
- New poultry training program begins this fall at Ridgewater College and University of Minnesota
- New Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Services hospital opens in Willmar
- Spicer’s Johnny O’Neil’s under new ownership
- Spicer Castle crumbles, signaling end of an era
- Kandiyohi County parks are open with new health safety procedures in place
- JCPenney in Willmar’s Kandi Mall to close amid company bankruptcy
- Willmar Wye making visible progress as bridges are constructed
- Willmar’s Renaissance Zone to encourage investment is a go after council approval
- Not business as usual
- New grant program to offer immigrant businesses some COVID relief in Kandiyohi County
- Bethesda will begin weekly testing of all employees and residents for COVID-19
- Buhler to halt Farm King manufacturing at Fargo
- Kandiyohi County to go to single-sort recycling
- Jennie-O Turkey Store closing both Willmar plants due to COVID-19
- Kandiyohi County day cares to receive help from EDC
- Willmar Wye construction to restart next week
- Jennie-O hopes preventive actions will protect workers and plant from COVID-19
- Jennie-O donates 8,800 N95 masks to Carris Health
- EDC wants to be there for business community during pandemic
- Willmar’s Head Start to have a new home
- Construction Underway at third Willmar Kwik Trip Site
- COVID-19 Business Assistance Loan Program
- Survey shows high-speed broadband still a priority in Kandiyohi County
- Farm Service Elevator predicts new feed system could improve turkey growth at reduced cost
- Interest grows in Willmar Renaissance Zone
- Kandiyohi County is the star of a new video produced by EDC
- Bethesda releases details of North Pointe expansion
- With first-in-world tech, Spicer engineers on cusp of revolutionizing 3D printing industry
- Willmar geometry students use newfound skills to help with school remodeling
- Updates to Robbins Island’s Destination Playground to create an even better place to play
- Eminent domain is an option for Kandiyohi County to obtain land needed for the Willmar Wye
- Construction on Willmar Middle School addition could begin this summer; open in fall 2021
- Recently Released Willmar Opportunity Zone Prospectus Promotes Local Investment Potential
- MnDOT looking to improve Highway 23/7 crossing in Clara City
- City planning for a revival of downtown Willmar with a proposed Renaissance Zone
- A Tiny 3D Printing Company in Central Minnesota Looks to Leave a Mark on the Med-Tech Industry
- Willmar couple’s bottle-cap invention is a completely Minnesota product
- Christmas ribbon is cut at new day care center in Spicer
- Willmar Opportunity Zone for Investors
- Epitopix Infrastructure Grant
- Advocating for Broadband in Kandiyohi County
- Kandiyohi County Rural Child Care Innovation Project
- Beauty Box Boutique brings Minnesota style with LA twist to Willmar
- Electric power co-op puts electric vehicle to use as a consumer teaching tool
- Woodland Centers crisis and detox facilities receive long-awaited upgrade
- Resignation of James Miller means leadership transition for United Way of West Central Minnesota
- Marcus Construction to manage three Willmar projects funded by new sales tax
- Willmar takes another step toward Middle School addition
- The search for a new Willmar city administrator continues
- Willmar golf club to purchase The Oaks from Dave Baker family
- As thousands of trucker positions remain vacant, Ridgewater to offer more CDL training opportunities
- Wet weather slows weekly Willmar Wye progress
- Program builds connections between the very old and the very young
- Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar EDC seeks investors for redevelopment projects in Willmar Opportunity Zone
- Open house gives overview of Kandiyohi County highway changes in wye corridor
- Bethesda breaks ground for senior living facility in New London
- Willmar Wye is starting to take shape
- New quilt shop opens in New London
- Olness breaks ground on new West Central Dental clinic in Willmar
- Patina Marquet aims to bring community together at Willmar’s Kandi Mall
- DEED commissioner sees economic success and challenges during tour in Willmar
- Willmar’s 15th Street Flats soon to be home for dozens of families
- It is starting to look a lot like Kohl’s
- Making a dent in the daycare shortage
- Ag Innovation conference Thursday in Willmar
- Kandiyohi County Board rejects housing tax abatement request
- Willmar Wye a few golden shovels closer to completion
- Willmar benches draw attention to the arts
- New York Time Article – President Trump, Come to Willmar
- Retail Business Workshop Series
- Kandiyohi County Rural Childcare Innovation Program
- Housing Project – 15th Street Flats Rising (and shining!)
- 2019 EDC Strategic Planning Session
- the Buzz | Co-Op Credit Union, First Street Station, Legacy Commons, Westside Market
- Celebrations planned to mark 100 years at Sibley State Park
- Bethesda proposes $16 million facility in New London
- Housing developer to seek Willmar tax abatement
- Highway 23 Coalition sets 2019 project goals
- Willmar updates Robbins Island land use covenants
- Kandi Mall owners thrilled with Kohl’s decision to come to Willmar
- Kohl’s gets building permit for Kandi Mall’s Kmart site
- Bethesda recognized for Cycling Without Age program in Willmar
- New telemedicine program offers Rx for ailing hearts
- Small Cities grants provide much needed funding for community upkeep
- Large Willmar Industrial Park development has been put on hold
- Ridgewater expands Transfer Pathway program to include Law Enforcement
- Spring construction expected on new Willmar apartment complex
- Family Practice Medical Center, Carris Health enter into services agreement
- Suite Liv’n hoping to bring more housing options to Willmar
- Rural Child Care Innovation Program
- Survey confirms child care challenge in Kandiyohi County
- Kandiyohi County Jail gets technology upgrades
- Willmar, Olivia look to brighten up downtowns with the arts
- Kandiyohi County to start phasing in online-only campsite reservations
- Local interest in growing and processing hemp: EDC committee will conduct feasibility study for market options
- Willmar sells land for package sorting, distribution facility
- Ridgewater ranked top public auto mechanics program
- Ridgewater brings $170 million to area’s economy, study says
- NLS seeks funds for new school arts endowment, announces $100K matching grant
- Willmar sells land for package sorting, distribution facility
- Ridgewater brings $170 million to area’s economy, study says
- Rezoning in Willmar Industrial Park could bring increased day care spots
- RockStep continues to envision a successful future for Kandi Mall
- Honoring the legacy of Bill Graves: Centerpiece wall of unique Domino’s store in Willmar tells his story
- Workshop explores industrial hemp value chain
- Map of world brings Willmar High School students together
- Highway 23 Improvements Moving Ahead
- 2018 FAM Tour by Connie Schmoll
- Child care – Important to local and regional economic development
- Little Crow Resort Up and Running
- Kwik Trip Comes to Town
- Benson working with renewable energy firm
- Plans for children’s mental health hospital approved; Willmar Planning Commission gives OK for facility plans
- Developer proposes $28M housing project in NW Willmar
- Willmar Wye road contractor selected
- A tangled web of trade and tariffs: Speakers in Willmar discuss Minnesota impact, especially on agriculture
- Spurs Grill & Bar opens in downtown Willmar: Dream come true for owner
- Redevelopment reigns on Willmar’s First Street amid flurry of commercial construction
- Hand-on learning: New Willmar Senior High course is private-public partnership
- 15th Street Flats expected to break ground next month
- Lack of child care a barrier to economic development
- Greater Minnesota cities struggle to sustain their oldest homes—but loans and education are helping
- Major Willmar Industrial Park development proposed, possible package sorting and distribution center
- That #KanDo Mentality That Can Only Mean Success
- Crews make headway on Glacial Lakes Trail
- Workshop: Talent & Technology for the Progressive Farm Manager
- Willmar council OKs steps to accept $1.2M rehab grant
- Working your best at Workup: Co-working space offers an office setting for independent workers
- Small community theaters aim high with big productions
- Little Crow Resort nears completion
- A year full of play and pride: Willmar’s Destination Playground exceeds goals
- New London artist to showcase work in New York City gallery
- Cattlemen at heart: Creativity gives next generation of farmers a boost
- New Ridgewater president ready to take on a new challenge
- Willmar voters to decide sales tax in November
- Willmar Wye agreement nears finish line
- Highway 23 Coalition seeks broader focus
- Home on the Minnesota prairie: Yaks thrive on the pastures of the Hot Disch Farm
- New city hall a question of priority; 4 possible sites being considered
- Council supports new workforce housing project in Willmar
- No fisherman’s tale: Highway 23 bond funding approved
- MnDOT awards three additional Corridors of Commerce projects
- Governor signs bonding bill…Highway 23 Project funded
- Lone Tree Board & Paddle – Spicer, MN
- On the Road Again. . . Highway 23 Funding
- Midtown Plaza Opens for Business in Downtown Willmar
- 2018 EDC Goals Adopted
- Urban Escape Re-Opened – Spicer, MN
- Family Roots Chiropractic – Spicer, MN
- Coffee and More open for business in Spicer
- Bonding bill includes funding for Highway 23 project
- Tribune Editorial: Time to fund the gaps on Highway 23
- Spicer Castle to close: Family of John Spicer has owned lake cottage for 123 years
- Governor’s Fishing Opener; Governor lands bass but not a walleye
- NL-S Performing Arts Center opens its doors to the public
- Willmar Lakes Area expects economic boost from Governor’s Fishing Opener
- Lettuce Abound Farms harvest first aeroponics crop
- Highway 23 “gaps” did not receive Corridors of Commerce funding
- Why so many Twin Cities immigrant organizations are branching out to Greater Minnesota
- Spicer boutique is set to make big move
- Governor’s Fishing Opener hosts waiting for Green Lake ice out
- Outdoors will take center stage when Willmar Lakes Area hosts Fishing Opener
- Willmar housing project clears a final hurdle
- Vaxxinova acquires Epitopix
- Raymond Assisted Living project stalled, but for good reason
- Reel-Lux is looking forward to bringing a luxury movie experience to Willmar
- Aeroponics farm near New London will produce leafy greens year-round
- Raymond shines in Willmar’s shadow: Affordable housing brings new residents
- Shopping center fills old Willmar furniture store
- Creating a Model Citizen: New London brewery expansion includes farm-to-table restaurant
- Magnum grows as economy does
- Willmar council begins discussion on new city hall
- Willmar Civic Center ice for three? Refrigeration system with capacity for expansion is recommended
- Bonding committee hears ‘the ask’: Willmar area officials request funds for roads, college maintenance projects
- Green Lake jewels to be used in St. Paul ice castle
- Highlighting Diversity in Kandiyohi County
- Kandiyohi County Featured in Business In Focus Magazine
- EDC Hosts Highway 23 Transportation Rally
- Little Crow Country Club Continues to Transform
- 15th Street Affordable Flats Approved by MN Housing Finance Agency
- West Central Steel’s growth continues: Latest expansion to house parts production
- Class project offers job experience: CCS fifth-graders learn future lessons working at Pizza Ranch
- Kandiyohi County Board approves local option sales tax
- First Street TIF district approved by Willmar City Council
- New angel fund ready to invest in west central Minnesota
- IMPACT of Agriculture in Kandiyohi County 2017
- LTD Broadband brings service to Kandiyohi County
- Community Integration Center opens in downtown Willmar
- Delta Dental awards grant to Rice dental clinic
- 15th Street Flats clears major hurdle
- Golf season to construction season: Groundbreaking slated next week for Little Crow Country Club project
- Highway 23 Coalition makes pitch to transportation commissioner
- Plan OK’d for commercial development on Willmar’s 1st Street South
- Kandiyohi County/Willmar featured in Business in Focus magazine
- Willmar joins Highway 23 Coalition seeking funds to close four-lane gaps
- Two more Kwik Trips possible in Willmar
- Simply Shrimp: Blomkest farmer raises saltwater shrimp in former dairy calving barn
- Industrial Park land write-down policy amended
- Survey provides picture of ethnic businesses in Willmar
- Construction begins at Kandi Mall in Willmar
- Schwieters Chevrolet building new dealership in Willmar
- Industrial Park business agreements approved
- 1000 Degrees fires up pizza in Willmar
- Clock is ticking on broadband sign-ups in Kandiyohi County
- County fiber broadband project reaches 67% of goal
- Willmar hospital and clinic seek affiliation with CentraCare of St. Cloud
- Students unveil businesses: CEO Trade Show highlights young entrepreneurs
- Apprenticeship Workforce Grants Available to Help Employers Develop Highly-Skilled Workforce
- Opening Kandi Mall to more than just retail uses
- Housing project could bring 45 affordable units to Willmar
- Environmental work complete on Willmar Wye
- Highway 23 four-lane project from Willmar to I-94 needs community push
- Green Lake to host 2018 governor’s fishing opener
- Ground broken for new Willmar Surgery Center
- What do rural Minnesotans think?
- New map released of broadband project area
- EDC boards determine 2017 goals
- Survey shows power of ag on Kandiyohi County economy
- 2017 Ag Producer BRE Report
- Planning for Willmar airport’s future
- Sign-up underway for Kandiyohi County broadband project
- Developing a vision: EDC reviews retail data to help economic strategy for the future
- Willmar Poultry, Aviagen establish new turkey poult supplier
- ‘Meet and greets’ scheduled for Kandiyohi County broadband project
- TimeWorn Wood
- Willmar grows and prospers
- First year a success for leachate treatment system
- EDC to Assist Minority-Owned Businesses
- New London, Spicer approve more than 50 building permits each in 2016
- The most metal way to fish
- EDC board appointments made
- Views of Kandiyohi County
- Proposal in works for new psychiatric facility in Willmar
- Broadband grant project area
- Kandiyohi County broadband projects receive nearly $6 million
- Gauging the health of agriculture
- EDC Encourages Expansion
- MSNBC’s Your Business features Willmar downtown businesses
- EDC reinforces marketing for Willmar’s ‘shovel-ready’ industrial park
- A diamond in the rough
- Kandi Mall abatement approved by city, county
- Broadband expansion proposal targets northern Kandiyohi County
- EDC group learns about aeroponics system to grow produce locally, year-round
- New London business expands to raise seafood
- Feasibility study supports need for rural broadband in Kandiyohi County
- Home construction in Willmar already surpasses last year
- Economic Composition of the Mid-Minnesota Region of Minnesota: Industries and Performance
- Willmar Site Certified Shovel Ready
- Angel investor group to focus on agriculture development in Kandiyohi County
- Kandiyohi County broadband telephone survey
- Kandiyohi County urges participation in broadband survey
- State, community, business leaders discuss broadband in Willmar
- Willmar City Council backs shovel-ready certification
- Minnwest campus to welcome new tenants
- Atwater greenhouse grows
- Clark Engineering receives award for Kandiyohi County Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant project
- Kandiyohi County announces new financing tool for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements
- Spicer hardware store gets new owner
- Robotic-assisted technology introduced to Rice Hospital
- Dealer offers ag data collection via airplane
- EDC approves broadband study, loan for Asian grocery
- Partner6
- Partner5
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- Partner1
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- Keeping a spot on the map: New road signs demonstrate local pride for Sunburg
- ArtPlace America awards New London $262,500 grant for community art
- Improvements and business growth: Survey takes pulse of Kandiyohi County business concerns
- Bethesda breaks ground this week for $21M project
- Family-owned TerWisscha Construction celebrates 50 years
- Making a statement: County supports two major economic development projects
- Community-owned grocery announces selection of East Highway 12 site
- NLS’ passive solar greenhouse could have impact on entire county
- European Connection
- A Banner Year
- Sunny Days Ahead
- ‘Greater synergies’ as they move forward
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee Meeting
- Marketing and Public Relations Committee
- Community Leadership Celebration
- Legislative Breakfast
- Partners in Ag Innovation Conference
- Joint Powers Board