Minnesota House bonding committee hears pitches for Willmar area projects


WILLMAR— State representatives serving on the Minnesota House Capital Investment Committee stopped briefly in Willmar on Tuesday to learn about three local projects requesting state funding from the upcoming capital budget, or bonding bill.

Cliff Carmody, executive director of the cooperative, spoke on the expansion project for the Willmar center, which is located on the MinnWest campus. The center provides educational services for special education students. Currently, 31 students are enrolled in the programs offered at the center, pretty much the maximum the facility can hold.

‘It is full because we have no more room,” Carmody said.

The expansion project, a partnership between the Southwest West Central Service Cooperative and Willmar Public Schools, includes a new learning center facility constructed adjacent to the Willmar Middle School on Willmar Avenue Southeast. It would replace the current facility and could expand the program’s reach to 45 to 55 students. The Educational Learning Center and Willmar Public Schools would share food services and gym space, Carmody said. The school district will be providing land for the project.

“Everything we’ve done has been collaborative,” Carmody said.

Read the full article by the West Central Tribune.

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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