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MB Rail closes on Purchase of land for Willmar Rail Park

WILLMAR — The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission heard good news last week, but also expressed concerns that the loss of the top two staffers in the city of Willmar’s planning department may delay some projects on which the EDC is currently working.   Aaron Backman, Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission executive […]

New Family Promise shelter in Willmar provides home and stability to families

WILLMAR — Homelessness and poverty can look different in rural areas. It is less about people sleeping on the streets or in tent camps, and more about sleeping in cars or with multiple families in one small residence, always with the threat of eviction hanging over their heads. Read the full story at the West Central […]

Proposed Minnesota Highway 23 interchange in New London granted $33 million in state funding

NEW LONDON — The Minnesota Highway 23 interchange project, proposed for the intersection of state Highways 23 and 9 in New London, is one of eight transportation infrastructure projects across the state to receive funds from the Corridors of Commerce grant program. Read the full story at the West Central Tribune

Kandiyohi County Board agrees to contribute to nonprofit that is bring computer literacy classes to Willmar

WILLMAR — As Kandiyohi County continues to work to bring reliable, high-speed broadband internet to every corner of the county, there is also a need to make sure everyone has the skills and know-how to take advantage of that technology. “Digital equity is all about access and affordability of the internet. We can put the line up to your house, […]

Willmar OKs memorandum of understanding for potential property swap with Minnesota Army National Guard

The Minnesota Army National Guard would like at least 40 acres in the Willmar Industrial Park for a future armory, which make take up to two decades to come to fruition or it could be expedited and take place in three to five years. A topographical map showing the outline of 80 acres of land […]

Kandiyohi County continues to be successful in acquiring funding for the expansion of broadband services

KANDIYOHI COUNTY — The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission was successful in obtaining two additional funding sources for the extension of broadband into rural areas of the county, according to a news release from the EDC. The United States Department of Agriculture announced June 12 an approximately $19 million ReConnect round […]

Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Announce $67 Million in State Grants to Expand Broadband Access 

[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan today announced $67 million in state grants for internet providers to expand broadband coverage to tens of thousands of Minnesotans, furthering the administration’s commitment to providing high-speed broadband for all Minnesotans. The announcement comes days after the federal government announced a $652 million […]

Kandiyohi County awarded millions for highway-rail grade separation project south of Willmar

Kandiyohi County was successful in obtaining $4.8 million in federal funding to help fund the completion of the County State Aid Highway 55 Highway-Rail Grade Separation project south of Willmar. The Kandiyohi County Road 55 highway-rail grade separation project would see an overpass bridge constructed over the rail tracks, eliminating a potentially dangerous conflict point […]

City OKs $38,000 payment toward BNSF Railway certification of 335 acres in Willmar Industrial Park

City OKs $38,000 payment toward BNSF Railway certification of 335 acres in Willmar Industrial Park The Willmar City Council has OK’d payment for services related to BNSF Railway certification, which designates rail-served sites as meeting the rail company’s readiness standards for development. WILLMAR — The local economic development director hopes to complete the BNSF Railway […]

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