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EDC boards determine 2017 goals

At their recently held strategic planning session, the EDC’s boards identified four overarching goals on which to focus their efforts: The EDC will strengthen partnerships and connections with existing businesses to be a catalyst and build capacity for organic growth.  The EDC will explore and increase operations to support efforts to improve the tax base […]

Survey shows power of ag on Kandiyohi County economy

WILLMAR—The surprising optimism of farmers in spite of bleak revenues and the powerful punch agriculture has on the local economy were two key points revealed by an in-depth survey of Kandiyohi County ag producers. A report on the survey, which was commissioned by the Ag and Renewable Energy Committee of the Kandiyohi County and City […]

2017 Ag Producer BRE Report

The EDC recently completed interviewing 51 ag producers in Kandiyohi County.  The data was compiled and analyzed by Jim Molenaar, who presented the data at two workshops on April 5, 2017.  Ag producers, local business leaders and officials received the data and then discussed strategies to move the reports findings forward.  Click on the link […]

Planning for Willmar airport’s future

WILLMAR—It’s been 20 years since the Willmar Airport Master Plan was updated. Back then the city was involved with the major venture of moving the airport to its current location on state Highway 40. “All it talks about is how we’re going to build this new airport. We are a little past that now,” said […]

Sign-up underway for Kandiyohi County broadband project

WILLMAR—Customer sign-ups are underway as Consolidated Telecommunications Co. begins laying the groundwork to bring high-speed internet to rural north central Kandiyohi County. The last in a series of meet-and-greet sessions on the project will be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Dethlefs Center in Spicer. Representatives of the company will be on hand to […]

Developing a vision: EDC reviews retail data to help economic strategy for the future

WILLMAR—A newly completed report with data that show the strengths and weaknesses in retail trade in the city of Willmar and Kandiyohi County is being used to develop a vision and strategy for continued economic growth in the community. During a day-long planning session Thursday at the Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center in rural Spicer, […]

Willmar Poultry, Aviagen establish new turkey poult supplier

WILLMAR — Willmar Poultry/Ag Forte has merged with Valley of the Moon Commercial Poults and is set to establish a new commercial turkey poult company called Select Genetics. “The focus of Select Genetics will be to deliver the best quality genetics to the turkey industry, which will allow our industry to best compete against other […]

‘Meet and greets’ scheduled for Kandiyohi County broadband project

SPICER — A series of “meet and greets” will be held over the next three weeks for residents and businesses within the proposed service zone of a broadband project by Consolidated Telecommunications Co. The meetings are scheduled for this coming Monday; Thursday, March 23; and April 4. All three will be held from 5 to […]

TimeWorn Wood

ATWATER—At first glance, the rural Atwater home of Jared and Amanda Groebner looks like a typical Minnesota farm with a well-kept classic barn and workshop. But instead of producing grain and livestock, the Groebners make hand-crafted, rustic and refined wooden table tops with a smooth-as-silk finish that are shipped to high-end restaurants, small cafes, metro […]

Willmar grows and prospers

WILLMAR—In 2016 the city of Willmar approved over $60 million dollars in new construction and development ranging from major school projects to new homes and businesses. These projects popped up all over town from the Industrial Park and along Lakeland Drive to the retail center of First Street. “2016 was a positive year,” said Bruce […]

First year a success for leachate treatment system

WILLMAR—An innovative demonstration project to collect and purify leachate on site at the Kandiyohi County landfill encountered a few setbacks during its first full year of operation. Overall, though, engineers rate the project—the first of its kind in North America—a success with many lessons learned. “We’re excited to still be part of it,” said Greg […]

EDC to Assist Minority-Owned Businesses

WILLMAR—As Willmar’s population continues to diversify, with people coming to the city from around the world, the business community is also growing and changing, with dozens of businesses owned and operated by minorities. “They increasingly represent a significant portion of our economy,” said Aaron Backman, executive director of the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar […]

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