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Cattlemen at heart: Creativity gives next generation of farmers a boost

WILLMAR—When he looks at the herd of 100 Angus cows and their frisky spring calves grazing in a pasture of belly-high grass, Cullen Fischer still can’t believe his lifelong dream of raising cattle is coming true. “It’s kind of a pinch-me thing,” said the 31-year-old from Lake Lillian about his good fortune of taking over […]

New Ridgewater president ready to take on a new challenge

WILLMAR—Craig Johnson feels his blue collar, first-generation college student background will inform his work as the new president at Ridgewater College. Johnson, 62, joined the college July 1. He came from the University Center in Sioux Falls, where he was director. Johnson said his first few weeks have involved finding his way around the school’s […]

Willmar voters to decide sales tax in November

WILLMAR—The voters of Willmar will now have the opportunity to approve or reject a local option sales tax which could raise $30 million for a host of projects across the city. At Monday’s meeting, the Willmar City Council approved a resolution to place the question on the Nov. 6 ballot. “We are a regional center […]

Willmar Wye agreement nears finish line

WILLMAR—The master agreement among the Willmar Wye project partners is nearing completion and MnDOT has sent the three shortlisted design and build firms requests for proposal to lead the multi-million dollar project through its years-long construction schedule. Paul Rasmussen, project manager for the Minnesota Department of Transportation District 8, said it is just the final […]

Highway 23 Coalition seeks broader focus

WILLMAR—Even though funding has been secured to complete the final two legs of the Highway 23 four-lane between Willmar and Interstate 94, the coalition of regional businesses and government entities that fought to obtain that funding has no intention of going away. On the contrary, organizers say it’s hoped the 91-member coalition will expand to […]

Home on the Minnesota prairie: Yaks thrive on the pastures of the Hot Disch Farm

RAYMOND—If you’re craving a fresh yak steak and can’t make the trip to the Everest Steak House Restaurant in Kathmandu, Nepal, take a short ride over to Raymond. That’s where you’ll find the Hot Disch Farm, home to Shawn and Craig Dischinger and their assistants, sons Jack, age 5, and Peter, age 3. They’ll happily […]

New city hall a question of priority; 4 possible sites being considered

WILLMAR — The Willmar City Council continued to discuss a new city hall during the work session on Monday, though there was no consensus on how or when the project will move forward. However, the discussion will be picked up again during next Monday’s meeting, when the council will decide whether to hold a town […]

Council supports new workforce housing project in Willmar

WILLMAR—A resolution of support from the Willmar City Council will be added to the tax credit application being submitted to the state by the Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership. The group hopes to construct a 72-unit multi-family housing project on the north side of Willmar, near the MinnWest Technology Campus. The council passed the resolution at […]

No fisherman’s tale: Highway 23 bond funding approved

WILLMAR — Anglers are often accused of stretching the truth, but these guys proved to be straight shooters: When Gov. Mark Dayton signed the bonding bill Wednesday, he held true to a promise made in a fishing boat to approve an earmark for the state Highway 23 project.   The bonding bill includes $105 million […]

MnDOT awards three additional Corridors of Commerce projects

Funding for the latest round of transportation projects included in public works bill signed into law by Governor Mark Dayton ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation today announced three additional Corridors of Commerce projects, valued at over $400 million. The projects were funded by Gov. Mark Dayton and the Minnesota Legislature in this […]

Governor signs bonding bill…Highway 23 Project funded

(Willmar MN-) Members of The Highway 23 Coalition are celebrating now that Governor Dayton has signed The Bonding Bill with $105 million dollars included to fund the completion of the four-lane gaps between New London and Paynesville, and Paynesville and Richmond. Things looked glum for the project after it was shunned by MnDot in the […]

Lone Tree Board & Paddle – Spicer, MN

With colors of the blue and sandy beige, the sea like look and feel inside the soon-to-be-open, Lone Tree Board & Paddle will be providing new opportunities for things to do on the Spicer area lakes this summer.  Ben and Holly Danielson, owners, have rented paddle board and kayaks for over a year out of […]

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