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Willmar couple’s bottle-cap invention is a completely Minnesota product

WILLMAR — The spark of inspiration can happen at any time and be caused by the smallest of things. For Steve Vossen and Julie Vossen-Henslin of Willmar, it was the two inches of shampoo left in the bottle after the pump stopped working. “I used to cut the bottle off,” Vossen said. At first, trying […]

Christmas ribbon is cut at new day care center in Spicer

SPICER—Brand new, pint-sized tables and chairs, books, cribs and colorful toys were unpacked from boxes Monday, and in a mad dash against the clock, were put in place in the new child care center in Spicer in time for a ribbon-cutting Thursday morning. A collective “whew” could be heard by the volunteers and staff from […]

Willmar Opportunity Zone for Investors

Governor Mark Dayton qualified one area of Willmar, out of the 128 census tracts throughout the state, to be qualified as an Opportunity Zone. An Opportunity Zone designation provides potential investors with tax breaks while funding development or redevelopment of the neighborhood. The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission contracted with Golden […]

Epitopix Infrastructure Grant

On October 25th, we received exciting news from the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED). DEED Commissioner, Steve Grove, approved a $1.3 million IBDPI grant with the City of Willmar for the Epitopix sewer line project. The EDC prepared and submitted the grant application on behalf of the City.  Epitopix, LLC is a […]

Advocating for Broadband in Kandiyohi County

A contract with Compass Consultants Inc. for an engineering study will determine fiber broadband feasibility in rural Kandiyohi County townships, including Dovre, Mamre and St. Johns townships. Pending the study outcomes and a positive response from the township constituents, we will submit a Border-to-Border application to the Minnesota Office of Broadband Development (OBD) by August […]

Kandiyohi County Rural Child Care Innovation Project

Family childcare and childcare centers are businesses with accounting measures and regulations to follow. They are essential for maintaining the workforce for our businesses and instrumental in providing early education at a critical stage of child development, beginning the preparation of our future workforce. Understanding the problem A 2018 study completed by First Children’s Finance […]

Beauty Box Boutique brings Minnesota style with LA twist to Willmar

A person’s style can be an outward expression of their personality. So it makes sense that the Beauty Box Boutique in Willmar puts a spotlight on fashion that is a creative mix of Minnesota and Los Angeles. The owner of the boutique, Misty Watkins, is an LA transplant who now calls Minnesota home. She likes […]

Electric power co-op puts electric vehicle to use as a consumer teaching tool

SPICER—It may seem logical that a business that sells electricity should have a vehicle that runs on electricity. That’s one reason why the Kandiyohi Power Cooperative began leasing a 2019 Tesla Model 3 this fall. The co-op didn’t want to just “talk the talk but walk the walk,” said Dan Tepfer, energy management specialist with […]

Woodland Centers crisis and detox facilities receive long-awaited upgrade

WILLMAR—A long awaited renovation is nearing completion at the crisis center and detox facilities at Woodland Centers. The changes are bringing several improvements that will increase safety and accessibility for the clients who stay there. The entire facility also is getting a facelift to make it brighter and more welcoming. “I think it’s going to […]

Resignation of James Miller means leadership transition for United Way of West Central Minnesota

WILLMAR—There will be a change in leadership at the United Way of West Central Minnesota. It was announced Wednesday that James Miller, who has been executive director of the five-county United Way chapter for six years, has resigned. His last day at the agency is Dec. 31. In a news release, Brad Hanson, president of […]

Marcus Construction to manage three Willmar projects funded by new sales tax

WILLMAR—Three local option sales tax projects now have a leader. Marcus Construction was hired by the Willmar City Council to act as the construction manager at risk for the new recreation fields and event center near the Willmar Civic Center and for improvements at the Swansson Field Recreational Complex. “We are honored and really excited […]

Willmar takes another step toward Middle School addition

WILLMAR—The Willmar School Board has taken another step toward a potential addition at Willmar Middle School. School district officials have been meeting with Southwest West Central Service Cooperative since summer about working together to build an addition at the school. It would include an alternative learning center and a new gymnasium for the middle school […]

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