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Interest grows in Willmar Renaissance Zone

WILLMAR—Even though the Willmar Renaissance Zone is still in the planning and vetting process, word has already begun to spread amongst interested parties and developers. “We’ve had a lot of great feedback and a lot of great interest in the zone,” Willmar Planning and Community Development Director Dave Ramstad recently told members of the Willmar […]

Kandiyohi County is the star of a new video produced by EDC

WILLMAR—If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a four-minute video should say quite a lot. That is what the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hoping as it releases a new video that focuses on the quality of life within the county. “We wanted something fun,” said Connie Schmoll, […]

Bethesda releases details of North Pointe expansion

NEW LONDON—During Tuesday’s Lion’s Club meeting at the Spicer American Legion, Bethesda administrators provided a public update on the $19.5 million development of Bethesda North Pointe—the new senior and assisted living center under construction along Peterson Parkway in New London. Bethesda’s Chief Development Officer Caroline Chan and Regional Director of Housing Carli Stensrud, offered a […]

With first-in-world tech, Spicer engineers on cusp of revolutionizing 3D printing industry

Two-thousand miles removed from the tech hubs of Silicon Valley and an ocean away from the burgeoning markets of Beijing, the small town of Spicer is about the last place one would expect to find the frontline of fabrication. But tucked behind rows of oak trees at the end of a winding wooded driveway, in […]

Willmar geometry students use newfound skills to help with school remodeling

WILLMAR—Geometry students at Willmar Senior High have seen tangible results of their work this school year. Students in the 2018-19 school year were assigned a project—redesign the six pods in the building. Two of them were updated last summer; work on the other four is planned for this summer. The new pods reflect ideas from […]

Updates to Robbins Island’s Destination Playground to create an even better place to play

WILLMAR—The Robbins Island Destination Playground in Willmar has more than lived up to the expectations of the committee that helped make it a reality. During the summer months it’s not uncommon to see the parking lot full of not only cars but buses, as families, daycares and summer programs all come to enjoy the nearly […]

Eminent domain is an option for Kandiyohi County to obtain land needed for the Willmar Wye

WILLMAR—While proceeding with eminent domain to acquire just over 36 acres of land needed for the Willmar Wye rail bypass project would be Kandiyohi County’s last resort, the county commissioners approved a resolution to allow that to happen if needed. The resolution to start the eminent domain process passed unanimously at Tuesday’s county board meeting, […]

Construction on Willmar Middle School addition could begin this summer; open in fall 2021

WILLMAR—If all moves along smoothly, an addition to Willmar Middle School could open as soon as Sept. 1, 2021. The planned addition would have a larger gym and a small alternative learning center for the school district and a wing for special needs students served by the Southwest West Central Service Cooperative. Willmar School Board […]

Recently Released Willmar Opportunity Zone Prospectus Promotes Local Investment Potential

Today, Aaron Backman, Executive Director of the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission, announced the release of the Willmar Opportunity Zone Prospectus. The prospectus highlights the designated census tract in Willmar to potential opportunity zone investors and developers. Opportunity Zones are low-income census tracks designated by governors and certified by the U.S. […]

MnDOT looking to improve Highway 23/7 crossing in Clara City

Clara City promotes itself as the “Crossroads on the Prairie,” but there is a downside to the meeting of state Highways 23 and 7 at the south end of the community. Traffic accidents at the intersection of the two highways have long been a concern for emergency responders and law enforcement. At the urging of […]

City planning for a revival of downtown Willmar with a proposed Renaissance Zone

WILLMAR—While it is not exactly the dark ages in downtown Willmar, home to many successful businesses and low vacancy rates, there is also plenty of opportunity for development, whether it is upgrading an older building or constructing a project from the ground up. The area is already part of Willmar’s only Opportunity Zone, which provides […]

A Tiny 3D Printing Company in Central Minnesota Looks to Leave a Mark on the Med-Tech Industry

A small 3D print shop in central Minnesota is building parts for some of the state’s biggest companies. At DI Labs’ office about two hours west of Minneapolis, machines operate 24 hours a day printing prototypes of parts and thousands of other components for 3M, Toro, and a handful of other companies throughout the Upper Midwest […]

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