Urban Escape Re-Opened – Spicer, MN

Urban Escape Re-Opens in New Location, Spicer MN

Eryn Hannig has re-opened Urban Escape with expanded room and added product.  The facility which she purchased after Marketing Concepts relocated, features 3,000 square feet of sales space on the main floor, a Urban Escape Spicer MN - OPENING-ANNOUNCEMENT2_600x600significant increase from the 900 square foot space she had at her former location. She is still just off of the shores of beautiful Green Lake and next to the new Hampton Inn which will provide some new walking traffic to the store.  

The upscale boutique features clothing, jewelry, shoes, and an expanded selection of gift items. In addition to Urban Escapes, Eryn’s building has room for a few other entities. She is working on the details of the other valuable spaces even as she readies Urban Escape for a May 2018 reopening. 

Watch for more updates from the Urban Escape team on their Facebook page or visit their website.

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