Minnesota DEED

Community Integration Center in Willmar, Minnesota, awarded $420,000 workforce grant

June 27, 2024

Community Integration Center in Willmar, Minnesota, awarded $420,000 workforce grant
WILLMAR — Gov. Tim Walz recently announced more than $12 million in grants for job training, work readiness, internship and other employment development programs across the state, and the Community Integration Center in Willmar will receive funds. The Community Integration Center was awarded $420,000 through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. The grant will help the Community Integration Center to provide work experience and training programs to underserved populations.

Workforce summit held in Willmar to help businesses recruit and retain

January 21, 2022

Workforce summit held in Willmar to help businesses recruit and retain
WILLMAR—The world and its workforce have changed dramatically over the past several years and employers need to change right along with them. That was the overall message at the Workforce Solutions Summit held Thursday in Willmar. Sponsored and produced by a partnership of several regional economic development and community organizations, the summit brought dozens from the surrounding business area to the Willmar Community (sic) Center. There were presentations on labor market trends, diversifying

DEED commissioner sees economic success and challenges during tour in Willmar

August 30, 2019

DEED commissioner sees economic success and challenges during tour in Willmar
WILLMAR—While taking tours across Minnesota, Steve Grove has heard about the economic success stories as well as the economic challenges communities are experiencing. On Thursday, Grove—the commissioner of the Department of Employment and Economic Development—was in Willmar touring local businesses and hearing from community leaders about those challenges and opportunities. Grove had high praise for what he saw. “The way this community has embraced its growing workforce, its immigrant workforce,

Greater Minnesota cities struggle to sustain their oldest homes—but loans and education are helping

August 20, 2018

Greater Minnesota cities struggle to sustain their oldest homes—but loans and education are helping
On a hot August morning, in one of Willmar’s oldest neighborhoods, stucco bungalows, ramblers and an American Foursquare here and there stand under the shade of massive trees, set close together, bordered by sidewalks. It’s a charming scene, at first glance, yet many of these homes clearly need repair. “It’s the oldest housing stock in town,” said Jill Bengtson, the executive director of the Kandiyohi County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Many of the homes are owned by low-income
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