
EDC Encourages Expansion 2

EDC Encourages Expansion

During 2016, the EDC has been working to assist several expansions, including the Kandi Mall Rehabilitation Project, Glacial Ridge Hospitality, and the ERC expansion. Each of these projects not only offers significant capital investment, but also involves a lot of planning and interaction with businesses. Through these projects and more, around 350 new jobs will

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EDC group learns about aeroponics system to grow produce locally, year-round

WILLMAR—A proposal to grow fresh lettuce and herbs year-round with nothing more than air, light and a fine mist of water and nutrients was presented last month to a local ag-based committee that is more familiar with growing crops in soil. Aeroponics, which involves growing plants by having roots exposed to oxygen and fed with

EDC group learns about aeroponics system to grow produce locally, year-round Read More »

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