Extension of Kandiyohi County local option sales tax for roads is on the table

Road sign

WILLMAR—In 2017, the Kandiyohi County Board of Commissioners approved a five-year local option sales tax to fund four road improvement projects covering 10 miles of road and one bridge at a cost of $14 million. Revenue collection began in 2018 and is set to expire in 2022.

Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County Public Works director, is hoping the County Board will approve extending the half-cent sales tax for another seven years.

“The request is seven years of a sales tax, 11 projects, 40 miles of road, two bridges and $22 million,” Odens said. “We would do four times the miles for less than half the price.”

The County Board approved setting a public hearing on the proposed extension at 10 a.m. Nov. 16 in the board room at the Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services building.

Read the full article by the West Central Tribune.

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