IMPACT of Agriculture in Kandiyohi County 2017

IMPACT magazine on Ag

The EDC thanks the West Central Tribune for bringing today’s face of agriculture and its impact on our region to the public in the 2017 IMPACT magazine. 

Understanding the importance of agriculture and its contributions to our economy and quality of life is emphasized in this thorough publication.  The interviews include those of family farmers, who are still the backbone of U.S. agriculture, as well as those involved with value-added production such as the ethanol industry.  Other interviews done by the Tribune staff show how agriculture and its related industries such as processing, equipment manufacturing, transportation, government agencies, education, financing and service, to name a few, are dependent upon each other and a value to our entire community and nation. 

This is one of just few opportunities for the general public to review information about just how important and far-reaching agriculture is in today’s society.

Read the magazine here.

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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