Woodland Centers increases access to mental health services

Woodland Centers

WILLMAR — Improving access to mental health services such as counseling and treatment remains a priority for both Kandiyohi County and Woodland Centers. Even as society continues to come back from the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the need for mental health services remains strong, and in some cases growing.

The Kandiyohi County Board heard the annual report from Woodland Centers on Oct. 18, and was provided a look into what the past year has been like for the mental health facility. Woodland Centers provides adult and adolescent mental health services in seven area counties — Chippewa, Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, Renville and Swift. In 2021, Woodland Centers served 4,646 clients.

“Eighty seven percent of those clients were from our seven-county area. We do serve folks across the entire state actually,” said Dr. Ashley Kjos, Woodland Centers CEO. ” We serve people from 59 counties in the state of Minnesota. We serve people from out of state as well.”

Read the full article by the West Central Tribune.

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