Willmar Housing


WILLMAR — If one is looking for a home to buy or an apartment to rent around Willmar, they might have some difficulty. Housing availability continues to be an issue in and around the Willmar area.

According to the Minnesota Realtors Association, there were only 97 homes for sale in February in the southwest central region, which includes Kandiyohi, Renville, Meeker and McLeod counties, only 1.1 months of supply and a 60 percent drop from the same period one year ago.

“It has gotten really tight, for people to look at options,” said Aaron Backman, executive director of the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission. Backman spoke about the housing situation around the county during the March 11 meeting of the EDC Joint Operations Board.

Read the full article at the West Central Tribune

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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