Willmar creates a Renaissance Zone

The Willmar Opportunity Zone area by Jared Eischen Cinematography

The City of Willmar is interested in creating the conditions for a strong and vibrant downtown area. To that end on May 4, 2020 the Willmar City Council adopted the Renaissance Zone, which is a new zoning overlay district encompassing the Central Business District and adjacent areas. The new Willmar Renaissance Zone  is a 5-year pilot program intended to encourage investment, job creation, development, creativity and vibrancy in the designated area. This district will offer greater flexibility relative to zoning requirements otherwise imposed by underlying zoning districts. Among the incentives offered in the Renaissance Zone are free permits (e.g. building permits, signage, sewer and water access charges); matching/forgivable loans for façade renovation; tax abatements for commercial and housing projects based upon meeting investment thresholds; and removal of holiday/weekend parking restrictions.

Click on the link to find more information about the Renaissance Zone. You can also contact David Ramstad, Planning & Development Director, City of Willmar, at 320-214-5184 or dramstad@willmarmn.gov; or Aaron Backman, Executive Director, Kandiyohi County & City of Willmar Economic Development Commission at 320-235-7370 or aaron@kandidevelop.wpenginepowered.com

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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