Willmar company could be game-changer in digital manufacturing

DI Labs

WILLMAR—Grabbing onto business opportunities that blend innovative engineering skills and rapidly advancing 3D printing technology, three brothers are expanding their role in digital manufacturing that could be a game-changer for all manufacturers—and a benefit to consumers.

During a media tour Tuesday that included a live, virtual broadcast, Carl, Brian and Sean Douglass talked about their expanding business, DI Labs, at their new location in Willmar.

DI Labs was started in 2013 in Spicer. As their technology advanced and their 3D printing equipment evolved—and their client base expanded—the business outgrew the space in Spicer.

This summer the company moved to a new, larger location at 1740 45th St. S.E. in Willmar, where it has been in full operation for the last month.

Read the full article at the West Central Tribune

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