
Abdiweli Yusuf, owner of Amin Grocery, sits on a blue rug wearing a grey suit, while students listen in the background

Students encouraged to be curious about their diverse neighbors during tour of downtown Willmar

Confirmation students from Calvary Lutheran Church in Willmar recently spent time learning a little bit about their neighbors during a tour of Somali- and Latino-owned businesses in downtown Willmar. WILLMAR — Confirmation students at Calvary Lutheran Church in Willmar recently had the opportunity to get to know their diverse neighbors, taking a tour of different stores

Students encouraged to be curious about their diverse neighbors during tour of downtown Willmar Read More »

Block 25

Willmar City Council approves contamination cleanup grant application for Block 25 Lofts project

Cleanup is needed on a downtown Willmar lot slated to be the home of an apartment complex, including petroleum, a fuel tank leak and solvents used by a former dry cleaning business. Willmar City Council approved being the fiscal agent for a Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development contamination cleanup grant for Lumber One,

Willmar City Council approves contamination cleanup grant application for Block 25 Lofts project Read More »


FedEx behind massive logistics facility being constructed in Willmar Industrial Park

WILLMAR—The end user for the massive logistics facility being constructed in the Willmar Industrial Park has finally been identified publicly. “It’s official; it is FedEx,” said Aaron Backman, executive director of the Kandiyohi County and city of Willmar Economic Development Commission. The project is estimated to be worth more than $30 million, and includes the

FedEx behind massive logistics facility being constructed in Willmar Industrial Park Read More »

122421 N WCT WillmarStreetscapeRedo

Downtown Willmar streetscape project to be redesigned to meet grant fund parameters

WILLMAR—The streetscape project being proposed for the intersection of Litchfield Avenue and Fourth Street Southwest in downtown Willmar has hit a rather large snag. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, which administers the Small Cities grant program from which most of the funding is coming, has raised serious concerns about the plan and

Downtown Willmar streetscape project to be redesigned to meet grant fund parameters Read More »


MinnWest Technology Campus in Willmar requesting tax abatement for three additional buildings to be renovated

WILLMAR—Fifteen years after it was first established, the MinnWest Technology Campus continues to be transformed into one of Kandiyohi County’s economic development stars. Currently, it is home to 27 different companies offering employment to 693 people, with an average salary of $55,000 a year. “It is a real gem for this community,” said James Sieben,

MinnWest Technology Campus in Willmar requesting tax abatement for three additional buildings to be renovated Read More »

EDC ElevateGraduation Spring 2021 185

Economic developer finds region is fertile grounds for diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs, for lots of good reasons

HUTCHINSON—More than two decades of helping entrepreneurs get started in southwest Minnesota has taught Scott Marquardt many lessons, but perhaps none so important as these. This place grows them, and they like it here. How else to explain the Douglass brothers, Carl, Brian and Sean, and their commitment to Douglass Innovations in northern Kandiyohi County?

Economic developer finds region is fertile grounds for diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs, for lots of good reasons Read More »

Logistics intersection

Logistics project still a go as Willmar City Council makes changes to agreements

WILLMAR—A large logistics facility to be constructed in the Willmar Industrial Park is still a go, though changes have been made to the land purchase agreement between the city and Ruedebusch Development & Construction National, the project developer. The Willmar City Council, at its meeting Monday, made amendments to the purchase agreement and major subdivision plat.

Logistics project still a go as Willmar City Council makes changes to agreements Read More »