Willmar Civic Center

121521 N WCT SchoolLevy football

Willmar School Board adopts tax levy and passes, for now, on proposal to develop turf field near Willmar Civic Center

WILLMAR—The property tax levy that funds Willmar Public Schools will decrease 1% in the next year. The Willmar School Board voted at its meeting Monday to adopt the levy, following its Truth-in-Taxation public hearing. The board also heard a presentation about possibly developing a full football stadium at the new turf football field between the […]

Willmar School Board adopts tax levy and passes, for now, on proposal to develop turf field near Willmar Civic Center Read More »


Willmar Civic Center ice for three? Refrigeration system with capacity for expansion is recommended

WILLMAR—One of the more pressing projects on Willmar’s to-do list has been the refrigeration system at the Willmar Civic Center. The Willmar City Council approved $2.6 million in the 2018 capital improvement project for a new system to create ice for the two arenas, but no firm decisions have been made on how to fund

Willmar Civic Center ice for three? Refrigeration system with capacity for expansion is recommended Read More »

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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