
Willmar Industrial Park Rezoning

Rezoning in Willmar Industrial Park could bring increased day care spots

WILLMAR — The Willmar Planning Commission and Willmar City Council have paved the way for a possible commercial day care center to open in the Willmar Industrial Park. “This has really developed into an issue. Daycare, which is the proposed use of the Peart property, has really grown in interest in this community. Everybody knows

Rezoning in Willmar Industrial Park could bring increased day care spots Read More »


Lack of child care a barrier to economic development

WILLMAR—Not having enough safe, affordable and accessible child care facilities is being tagged as a growing barrier to economic development in west central Minnesota, including Kandiyohi County where it’s estimated another 776 child care slots are currently needed. Businesses that struggle to find workers because potential employees are unable to find child care—and child care

Lack of child care a barrier to economic development Read More »

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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