2024 Winter Newsletter

A Message from the Executive Director

January 3, 2024

Written by Executive Director, Aaron Backman 2023 was a memorable year in many ways.  A new housing study covering all of Kandiyohi County was completed by Viewpoint Consulting in January.  It identified a need for 2,555 additional housing units, including 1,580 units in Willmar, to be constructed between now and the year 2030. Several housing projects that the EDC was significantly involved with were completed or commenced with this year.  Edgeview, the Unique Opportunities multi-family project

A Sisterhood of Support

January 2, 2024

A Sisterhood of Support
Walking into the backyard of child care provider Michelle Weiler is like walking into a children’s fairy tale. It is the magic of Alice in Wonderland, the secret hidden place of the Secret Garden and full of children having as much fun as if they were in Peter Pan’s Never Never Land. But this isn’t a story of how they care for the children they watch; it is the story of how they care for each other. Sue Yoakum and Michelle Weiler have been running their child care businesses and helping
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