NexYst 360 brings ‘smart’ shipping for ag products to Willmar Rail Park

nexyst 360

WILLMAR — NexYst 360 is the newest addition to the Willmar Industrial Park and the first tenant for the Willmar Rail Park. Its equipment and technology offer a farm-to-processing supply chain system for agricultural products.

The Willmar Rail Park is a 144-acre rail park being developed by Midwest and Bluegrass Rail. It will have a rail loop that comes off the Willmar Wye, with four spurs going into the park to accommodate different businesses.

Currently, NexYst 360 is utilizing the old airport runway to store smart shipping containers that use specialized technology to trace the product from farm to processor.

From field to customer

“We have a nice model to be able to bring higher quality and delivery and open a global marketplace, because by putting it into these boxes, a farmer can access the global market — they’re not dependent on all the infrastructure between the field and customer,” said NexYst 360 ag industry advisor Dennis Pap during a June 19 field day showcasing its equipment and technology in Willmar.

Read the full article by the West Central Tribune.

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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