New home of Ziegler CAT opens in Willmar

Ziegler CAT

WILLMAR—They say third time’s the charm and the new Ziegler CAT facility in Willmar definitely looks like a success.

“It is the biggest showroom Ziegler has,” said Dave Ose, branch manager. Willmar is one of 27 Ziegler locations across Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri.

The nearly 60,000-square-foot showroom and shop, located at 4600 Highway 71 S., is actually the power equipment dealer’s third store to be in Willmar. Ziegler first arrived in town in 2015 and set up shop near the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and Kandiyohi County Road 5. A few years later it moved to a larger space, again on Highway 12 but this time on the east side in what was the old Willmar Farm Center.

Read the full article at West Central Tribune 

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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