Midtown Plaza Opens for Business in Downtown Willmar

Erica Dischino / Tribune

Over the past year and a half a new business center in Willmar, Midtown Plaza, has come into reality.  The owners, Zack Mahboub and Sahra Gure, previously had acquired the former Erickson Building in downtown Willmar as a location for their business, West Central Interpreting.  They decided that it would make a great location for a diverse business center, catering to the communities of new immigrant businesses.

Funding for renovating the first floor of the building came together in the Spring of 2017.  The lead lender is Home State Bank. Additional financing was provided by the Southwest Initiative Foundation, Mid-Minnesota Development Commission, and the EDC. During last summer and fall, the first floor of this commercial building was gutted and renovated for six businesses.  Most of the construction work for this phase was completed by January and tenants began moving into the building during the first quarter of 2018.

The anchor tenant at Midtown Plaza is Ain-U-Shams, a grocery store and deli. Other businesses include Badane (a men’s & women’s tailor), Zahrina’s (a fragrance, perfume, and purse shop), two clothing stores, and an activity center for seniors.  The public is welcome to explore Midtown Plaza and shop at these local businesses.


The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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