Kandiyohi County continues to be successful in acquiring funding for the expansion of broadband services

KANDIYOHI COUNTY — The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission was successful in obtaining two additional funding sources for the extension of broadband into rural areas of the county, according to a news release from the EDC.

The United States Department of Agriculture announced June 12 an approximately $19 million ReConnect round four grant to Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association for a fiber-to-the-premises project covering portions of Meeker, Kandiyohi and Stearns counties.

It was announced on June 28 that a nearly $2 million Border-to-Border Broadband Development grant was awarded to Meeker Co-op by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Office of Broadband Development for fiber-to-the-premises projects in Harrison, Lake Elizabeth and East Lake Lillian townships of Kandiyohi County.

Read the full story from the West Central Tribunehttps://www.wctrib.com/news/local/kandiyohi-county-continues-to-be-successful-in-acquiring-funding-for-the-expansion-of-broadband-services

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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