Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission awarded State grant

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WILLMAROn Friday, November 12, 2021, the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission (EDC) was awarded a $76,000 Small Business Partnership Grant by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The goal of this grant is to fund programs that promote the growth and success of entrepreneurs and small businesses in Minnesota; a great fit for the EDC’s new Elevate Business Academy.

Elevate Business Academy is the first and only Community Business Academy currently located in Minnesota. It provides business education and coaching specifically tailored to underserved minority entrepreneurs, with the guiding objective of creating inclusive economic opportunities in Kandiyohi County. Elevate is made possible through a partnership with Southwest Initiative Foundation, Rising Tide Capital and the EDC.

“This grant allows us to invest in the long-term sustainability and continued success of Elevate,” says Business Development Manager Sarah Swedburg, “we are thrilled to continue supporting our hardworking entrepreneurs in the County.”

The Small Business Partnership grant will not only fund Elevate but also allow the EDC to partner with Mid-Minnesota Development Commission to host a series of educational forums for small business owners to develop best practices related to specific business topics.

To learn more about Elevate, visit www.elevatebusinessacademy.com, and follow the EDC on Facebook or LinkedIn for upcoming educational opportunities.


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