Halal-certified goat processing facility coming to Willmar

Kandi Acres goats

WILLMAR—With one success under their belt, it might not be a total surprise that the owners of the first USDA-inspected mobile poultry processing facility in the country would also be behind the first halal-certified goat and sheep slaughter facility in the state of Minnesota.

“The closest halal plant is Chicago,” said Greg Wierschke, and there is a growing unmet need in and around Minnesota for a slaughter facility that can process goat

Greg and Becky Wierschke, founders and owners of Clean Chickens and Co. in Elk River, know that it is a big jump from processing chickens to processing goats. They believe the hard work and creativity that made Clean Chickens a success will serve them will in their newest endeavor — Happy Halal in Willmar.

Read the full article by the West Central Tribune.

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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