Governor Walz Announces $53 Million to Expand Broadband to 8,900 Minnesota Homes and Businesses

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[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz today announced over $50 million in grants to expand broadband access to an estimated 8,900 homes and businesses throughout Minnesota.

“We’re investing in broadband infrastructure statewide to help thousands of Minnesotans connect to jobs, education, healthcare, and their communities,” said Governor Walz. “Helping more Minnesotans get online at high speeds is one of the ways we’re making Minnesota the best state for families, workers, and businesses.”

Twenty four broadband expansion projects will receive grants from the Department of Employment and Economic Development’s (DEED) Office of Broadband Development, helping deploy new broadband infrastructure around Minnesota. Using the grant funding, providers plan to expand high-speed broadband – offering speeds of at least 100 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 20 Mbps upload – in 25 counties across Minnesota.

Read the full story and find details of Kandiyohi County’s award here 

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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