‘Elevate’ has its first graduates


WILLMAR—Learning how to successfully prepare, operate and manage a small business over the course of 12 weeks, five local entrepreneurs graduated June 16 from the first Elevate class in Minnesota.

In a 2017 survey, the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission found an increasing number of minority-owned businesses opening in and around Willmar.

The EDC report was sponsored with a grant from Southwest Initiative Foundation to design and implement a Business Retention and Expansion Program for diverse businesses in the Willmar area.

Elevate is a program specifically tailored to underserved minority entrepreneurs within Kandiyohi County. The program was created in conjunction with Rising Tide Capital to help individuals start and grow successful businesses in their communities through collaborations with other nonprofit organizations, corporations and public agencies.

Read the full article at the West Central Tribune.

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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