Child Care

Empowering Child Care Providers and Enriching Families

Your partner in supporting quality child care for strong communities and rich economies

Child care is a cornerstone of economic development, which is vital in fostering thriving communities and robust economies. It goes beyond being a service for families. It is a fundamental driver of workforce participation, business productivity, and overall community well-being.

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Child Care Initiatives are Supported in a Variety of Forms

Starting a child care business?

If you are thinking about starting a child care business or are a business who understands the value in creating child care for your employees and want to learn more contact us today.

Your one-stop navigation network, Wayfinder, is for starting and growing child care programs in Minnesota. We offer personalized support and resources to help you succeed. We offer assistance in starting a child care business, growing your child care, and sustaining your child care.

children with their mothers

Are you Provider who needs resources?

First Children’s Finance will have grant and loan opportunities as well as business planning support.

The KCED has paid for fire extinguisher checks and well water testing for providers, both existing and new, until 2026 or until supplies and funds last. Pick up your pre-paid well test from the Kandiyohi County licensor (link to contact information) or call American Welding and Gas to set up your extinguisher check and tell them you are provider.

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Need Child Care?

Child care can be a challenge to find. Some resources can help!

Child Care Aware is a program that helps families access high-quality and affordable child care.

Parent Aware is a program that provides tool for families to provide care and for providers to find resources.

There is also a private Facebook Group called Openings for Willmar Area Providers.

KCED hosts this partnership position with United Community Action Partnership (UCAP). This staff serves future and present child care providers and child care centers in Kandiyohi County. They will walk through the process of becoming licensed from start to finish.

Have an innovative child care creation or retention idea?

We want to know more about it! Tell us today.

Ready to unlock your full potential in Kandiyohi County?

Contact us now and let Kandiyohi County Economic Development be your gateway to success.

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