City of New London
Learn more about the demographics of New London by visiting the demographic page for this community. The City of New London offers TIF, tax abatement and has a small loan program through it's Economic Development Association. You can learn more about these by contacting the city office and visiting their website.
New London has fine arts, great shopping in our vibrant downtown, recreation, dining, theater and more! Located in the heart of “Lakes Country” 90 miles west of the Twin Cities. It strives to showcase the independent locally owned home-town businesses that give our community that unique and special flavor that you’re looking for!

10 Ash St SE New London, MN 56273
The city council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month starting at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, 10 Ash St SE New London, MN 56273
Water Days – 3rd weekend in July