ACGC senior Hunter Dahline continues to expand his chicken hatchery business ❯
Halal-certified goat processing facility coming to Willmar ❯
Willmar listed as a 2022 top micropolitan community by Site Selection magazine ❯
Construction likely to begin this summer on apartment complex along Lakeland Drive Northeast in Willmar ❯
Spring 2023 Newsletter: Prairie PROducers for Hemp Fiber ❯
Spring 2023 Newsletter: Industrial Hemp for Consumer Products: CDB, CBG, THC from Hemponix ❯
Spring Newsletter 2023: Industrial Hemp for Hempcrete from the Lower Sioux Indian Community ❯
Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce announces Community Leadership Award recipients ❯
Housing study shows need for various types of properties across Kandiyohi County ❯
A new housing report predicts the need for an additional 1,580 housing units in Willmar by 2030 ❯
Willmar mayor gives state of the city address ❯
City of Willmar awarded $200,000 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant ❯