Kandiyohi County Featured in Business In Focus Magazine

Business in Focus article

“A dynamic county with much to offer existing and prospective businesses” is the summary used by contributing writer Gina Stephens to describe the Willmar area in a six-page article featured in the September 2017 publication of Business in Focus magazine.

Providing a comprehensive view of North American business, the magazine offers monthly online and print editions that bring together the country’s top businesses and potential clients.   Business in Focus is a national publication with over 460,000 subscribers.  In September, the EDC’s article featuring business opportunities and strengths of the Willmar area represented one of just five Minnesota communities highlighted in the publication.

The article included several images revealing a community that is entrepreneurial, innovative and diverse.  Highlighted features of the community included Willmar as a regional medical hub; MinnWest Technology Campus, a large privately-owned technology park, and WORKUP, the innovative co-working space on the campus; the Kandiyohi County Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO) Program for high school students interested in starting their own businesses, and Willmar’s new Destination Playground, just to name a few.

Local businesses placed ads in the September issue of Business in Focus, truly living up to the EDC’s tagline and final statement of the six-page article that Kandiyohi County is indeed “Open for Business.”

Find the magazine’s past and present issues here:  http://www.businessinfocusmagazine.com/

The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission is hiring an Executive Director

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